the sheep also have a very thick coat of fur to keep them warm at night
this is there normal environment with large amounts of food and water.
the sheep are traveling in herds for a form of protection
the sheep have very tough hoofs to travel a long distance
sheep's predators are fox wolfs and Coytes.
the sheep adapts to the water levels being high by, learning to climb up the tree for higher ground. this will help the sheep survive by getting higher up where the waters cant reach him on a sturdy rooted in tree. this is how he will survive.
water levels are rising at a very high rate.
the sheep can also eat the cactus as a good source of food and water. Cactus hold water very well.
the sheep are now in the hot desert.
both of the sheep needed to adapt to the heat and lose there fur coats to not be so hot. these adaptions will help the sheep survive by not being to hot and dying and not dehydrating as fast as they would
forest fire
the sheep are adapting to the forest fire by trying to run and escape and hiding behind large rocks for protection. these adaptations will help the sheep survive by getting shelter from the flames by hiding behind a rock. and running to get away from the flames