India's infrastructure is poor and badly built, ranking it 55th in the world, however it plans to spend 1.4 billion dollars to upgrade its infrastructure. It is currently lacking in power distribution, and a lack of roads to the native areas of India causing supply deficits.
India has slowly been urbanising creating more cities fore people to live in. Currently around 35% of people in India live in cities, however many cities are not as developed as other countries cities such as they produce more amounts of pollution and buildings are built with lower quality.
India's education is a right for all citizens however it falls behind the adequate state. Many universities fall behind as well and this can cause for a slower rate development due to bad education. Also many people live in areas where education is not available.
Public health care is free for all Indian residents however there are inequalities between public and private health care where the rich have better access to health care. Also public health care is not completely free as many can not afford medicine given in public health care.
India is currently a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary form of government. It has a Prime minster at its head with a President who is the constitutional head. India is divided into states with a governor ruling over them similarly to the USA. India is also currently the largest democracy in the world.
India's tourism sector produces 6.8% of India's GDP and supports many jobs making it an important sector in India's economy. However there are many challenges for the Indian tourist sector such as its low infrastructure which can impact it by creating bad transportation and health facilities however it still brings many positives such as the incentive to preserve their culture.