This house belonged to Alexander Major. He is the person who started the Pony Express (early mail service) Allegedly there was a woman seen walking around the estate and looking out the window.
Epperson House
Who is playing that music?
One of the oldest churches in Kansas City dating back to 1857. The Father of the Church committed suicide in 1886. He is seen roaming through the aisles of the church.
Hotel Savoy
Why are you guys doing this?
House was built at the start of the century and the family living there didn’t move until 1939. When the Kansas City Art Institution bought the house there were ghosts seen in the house. When a bunch of college students were renovating the house a toolbox was thrown across the room, scaring the students away.
John Wornall House
Help me! I'm getting chased by floating guns!
House built in 1920. The ghosts seen in this house are Uriah Epperson and her adopted daughter. The daughter died while the organ was being constructed in the house. Late at night there is organ music being played and the girl wearing an evening gown. This house is one of the most haunted houses in America.
This building was built in 1888 and the place is haunted by Betsy Ward and she died in Room 505 and no one knew how she died. In 1990, the restaurant manager was murdered by his possessed co-workers. Co-workers later reported not remembering anything. There are spiritual orbs being seen and reported feelings of being watched in the area.
An old home and has a rich history of the civil war. Include stories that neighbors, upset with all the hauntings, have taken to hanging crosses in their windows, and whiting out their windows to avoid repeatedly seeing vanishing spirits. A woman in the kitchen bent in front of the fireplace, and light orbs floated on the rocking chair in the children’s bedroom. A staff member reported that all the guns hanging in the home suddenly turned to aim at the front door.