I, Aristotle is the greatest physicist of all time. I established general principles of change that govern all natural bodies, both living and inanimate, celestial and terrestrial
No you are not, I am, Galileo. I am the one who discovered the law of falling bodies. I also developed the idea of inertia.
But, do not forget, some of thyne* laws of motion was based from my discovery of inertia and motion
Ermm...Just leave that point.
I, Newton discovered the phenomenon of white light consisting of 7 colours which further laid the foundation of modern physical optics. I am famous for the three laws of Motion in mechanics, and the formulation of the laws of gravitation completely changed the track of physics across the globe.
*your ^you
But I am the one. I made the base for both of thyn* laws.
True, but thyne's was wrong. What thee^ proved was wrong
Well! Then surely I am the best? I finalised all your discoveries.