My Wife Needs her rest, she hasnt had sleep in a long time, she mustn't die at a time like this. doctor better cure her
Give me my armor now, i am not worried for i have guarantee to prevail.
The army is approaching, though they are quite far so i dont think you need your armor
how dare she die right now, life is pointless, nothing but a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
My Lord, I just got news that Lady Macbeth has died.
Well if the worst is to happen i fight to my death.
We have also spotted the burnam woods moving towards dunsinane hill.
I will fight for i cannot be defeated by woman born man.
I, Young Siward will kill you!
Macbeth is growing worried, and becoming very stressed. He shows signs of paranoia and is ready to fight.
I will kill you and evenge my family along with young siward you have just slain.
HA! i will slay you as well, i have a blessed life, i cannot die to anyone woman birthed.
Macbeth Comes to terms with death with faith that he will prevail but fight till death anyway. after finding out the news of lady Macbeth it is merely shrugged off by the king, as he has too much on his mind to worry of emotions
I invite all who have fought, and those who have lost, i invite thee to my crowning
Macbeth is met by Young Siward, determined to kill Macbeth, with the prophecy Macbeth is confident and quickly slays the young Siward.
Moments later, Macbeth is met by Macduff, who is angry and eager for revenge. Macbeth is still sure to win due to the prophecy and after telling MacDuff he learns MacDuff is not woman born but was untimely ripped. The prophecy is fulfilled and Macbeth is slain by Macduff.
That is where your little theory crumbles, i was untimely ripped from my mothers womb. i am no woman birthed man
Macduff now has the head of Macbeth and is proud to have avenged ,many. Malcom invites siward and others to watch him be crowned and become the new king.
Malcom is crowned and becomes king of Scotland, and the tale of Macbeth is settled, although there are many unanswered questions, like what happened to fleance for instance?