You should go back to Covey's, with this magic root he won't whip you anymore
Fredrick Douglass and others are working very hard on the Covey Plantation in the blazing heat of August
My master hired me out here to work, not to help whip people
Douglass begins to feel sick and he collapses. Mr. Covey is not happy that he stopped working so he beats Douglass
Now Covey will finally leave me alone!
After Douglass begins to feel a bit better, he flees to try and get away from Mr. Covey. He hides in the cornfield for a while and shortly after meets another slave. Sandy Jenkins gives Douglass a magic root that protected him from being whipped while he was a slave and advises him to go back
As Douglass returns to Covey's plantation, Covey tackles him as punishment for running away. He calls another slave over to help him with Douglass but he refuses to help, leaving Covey and Douglass fighting alone
Take hold of him Bill!!
After almost 2 hours, Douglass wins the fight and Covey, or any other slave owner, never hit him again