you both have t find a dozen eggs  for the wedding 
chapter 1.lev and his fiend was walking to their house until they see a nazi solier in te floor lev thought it was a good idea to check it out when he go there he saw he still hade knife and when he took it a red solider caught them and took lev to jail.
opps sorry.. are you lookinf for egss by any chance
come whit us and our chicken coop
chapter2.le gets captured and his friend got away and he was sent to  prison in  Russia called the crosses here e meets koyla a deserted who use to be in the red army.kolya is a writer who shares it whit lev and also offered him some sausages 
i dont  know we can ty to sneak in were the German hides there egss because they like their eggs 
okay now where do w go we cant find any egss
chater 3.Lev and koyla are end to meet the colonel and is also told they have a mission for them kolya and lev have to get a dozn of eggs for th colonels daughter wedding 
i think there german tanks track 
chapter 5 lev and koyla need to go ind eggs for the colonel nd so they went to haymarket.lev bumbed ino a giant man and asked if he was looking for eggs.turns out the giant an his ife were cannibals
chapter 12.lev and kolya dint find ny eggs at the Haymarket o they left Leningrad to find eggs or the colone.they herd the German territory there a far where German kept there fr its valuable  eggs
chapter 12 lev and kolya were walking to the forest until they hear howling. They saw lot of dogs some were mostly dead and they can see tracks of German tanks.