Emily, Jessica and Caleb were all good friends but recently Jessica had started to hang out with the popular group who always spread rumours and started fights on instagram
She told the two most popular girls in the group about her friends secrets so that they could spread rumours about them and they would like her more
Emily had overheard Jessica and went to expose her to Caleb but she pretended to play the victim. Caleb was in tears over the fact his friendship was ending and his secrets could be spread all over the school. They had been friends for years and trusted each other deeply.
Calebs friend told him that he heard some rumours about him from the popular girls. Caleb was initially worried but his friend reassured him that it wasn't anything too bad and it wouldn't change his perception of him.
Jessica went to the popular group only to be thrown out by them and learning that they never actually wanted to be her friend they only wanted more drama to start. She was distraught and felt so guilty for her actions.
Jessica apologised to Emily and Caleb but they explained that they didn't want something like that to happen again and that she had deceived and lied to them and only came back to them when the popular girls didn't care for her anymore. They then walked off and stayed away from people who engaged in drama and put their instagram accounts on private.