I remember passive transport and how it moves from low to high? and did not use energy (ATP) right?
no passive moved from high to low concentration. Honestly speaking cell transportation was my favorite topic .
you still remember the bio term ?
Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across biological membere from an area higher concentration to an area lower contraction with the helpnof a transport molecule.
Well I guess that all we rememeber right..
I remember this one. its the diffusion or movement of water molecules through a memebrane.
I once read that osmosis main function is stabilizing the internal environment of organism as it helps keeping water levels blalanced.
We also osmosis as another type of passive transport types.
So all these passive transportation types moves from high to low why n to low to high? Wait concentration gradient is a differencd of concentration between two regions and must exist for molecules to flow
I mean its not that hard to forget osmosis it involves water and only water.
molecules are said to naturally flow down their concentration levels and concentration level.......