ive never been vaccinated before in my life and look at me, im fine
we need to analyze social media and online forums to get insights on perceptions towards vaccines
the team went to the streets to collect their quantitative data through observation and surveys
vaccines are meant to kill us, don't let media brainwash you into into vaccinating
take the vaccine at your own risk
Warmest greetings to all from the Mayors officewe are pleased to announce the approval of a new vaccine, we have heard your concerns and we assure you that the vaccine has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy. Distribution and administration details will be communicated through official channels. together we will can fight this disease
the vaccine preoved to be effective at fighting the virus
form the research we were able to understand the perceptions of the community of Springville and identify that they are hesitatnt not refusing vaccines.,from the final analysis we were able to conclude that hesitency is mainly due to misinformation, therefore it is clear that we need to educate the community using proven facts and emphasise on the benefits of vaccines
qualitative findigs we were able to conduct thematic analysis of veccine perceptions
the quantitative data gave us the objective data reflecting how many community memebrs might hinder the success of the camapign