Growing up, it was an unspoken assumption that my sisters and I would all go to college. My parents were both lawyers, both had parents with PhDs, and grew up in families that emphasized education and had the resources for higher education. They continued that with us, stressing the importance of academic achievement and providing financial support for college
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I had no idea what I wanted to study, but the one thing I was sure of was that I wanted to go to college in Boston. Both my parents went to school there, and I grew up hearing stories about Boston - I thought it was the perfect place to go to college. I tagged along on my older sister's college tour and fell in love with the east coast and all the historic college campuses.
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After my own college tour, I applied early decision to Brandeis University and was thrilled to get in. I loved the focus on social justice and diversity, and liked how quirky the campus community was. I was nervous to move from Ohio to Boston, but Brandeis gave me lifelong friends and a passion for education and racial equity that has fueled the rest of my career.