Three aspects of culture that impact Italian worldviews are their cuisine, celebrations, and family. This creates worldviews that are simple, traditional, and family oriented.
This aspect of cultural identity shapes Italian’s worldviews because teaching people how to make different meals with natural ingredients can be very helpful in the future
“The main meal, whether lunch or dinner, traditionally includes three courses: pasta, fish or meat, and vegetables. In the north, pasta or rice is part of every main meal.”
This shows how in Italy, it is common for families to spend time with each other. This aspect of cultural identity shapes Italian’s worldview by showing how Italian families just spend time with each other.
“Traditionally, families and friends celebrate this holiday by picnicking together in the countryside and eating Easter leftovers. People often take the entire Easter weekend off to stay in the countryside.”
This quote shows how Italian families are very supportive of each other no matter what. This aspect of cultural identity shapes Italian’s worldviews because of the way they are taught to treat each other with respect and kindness no matter what.
“Italian parents are usually very supportive of their children, and in turn, children are dedicated to their parents.”