When I first began high school, I was a young, shy 14 year old kid who thought he couldn't do anything socially, but I've always been like this since the first day of Kindergarten
Test Thursday:Pythagorim Theorm assignment due Friday!
Mrs. Gilligan
First Day of School!
Is that Daniel!?
In my early elementary school days, I had no confidence in my social abilities, I would rarely speak to my peers or my teachers, and would often have to go to speech therapy in school and; out of school.
Todays Date: Tuesday September 7th, 2010
Oh no!!!
Ha Ha, Can you speak normally, your weird!!!
Combined with my shyness, I also had a speech disorder which caused me to have a weird voice, and couldn't pronouce certain words, which most to the times I was the subject of numerous teastes, and people mocking my voice which made me feel terrible and further isolated.
The worst of the teasing came when I was in 5th grade when I was bullied by a kid X, and everyday during recess, he would physical bully me by tackling me, hitting me, and leaving scratches on my neck, but I was too scared to fight back, because I didn't want to get suspended, and during that period I didn't even feel like going to school.
You ugly duckling, I hope you get surgery!!
Please Stop!!!Your hurting me!!!
But Thankfully by the time I got to middle school, my social anxiety was easing up, but I still had a long way to go to be finally free from my anxiety, as I was still too scared to make small talk with my peers, and nobody was teasing me anymore since the incident in 5th grade, as since then I hit a growth spurt, and as middle school started I was already 5'7.
7th grade History
Mr. Malone
I thought it was going pretty well toward the end of middle school, but my social anxiety came back with force when I started high school, there in the first years I felt like I didn't fit in and I didn't have any friends during this time, it was a pretty depressing time in my life, I had a panic attack over social situations like I did not go to Homecoming freshman year and I felt like I didn't have the courage to talk to my peers.