Hello, I am Substantia Nigra, my dopamine cells are unfortunately dying. I am not able to function like I used to be able to.
Hi, I am Putamen, I excite and inhibit the globus pallidus.
Hi Putamen, unfortunately I am slowly dying, I am unable to excite you.
Hi, I am globus pallidus, I usually inhibit the VLO from activating the SMA
Hey globus pallidus, I have not received much stimulation, you may continue inhibitting the VLO from activating the SMA.
Hi VLO, I am still inhibiting you from activating the SMA
Hi globus pallidus, I will continue to not activate the SMA.
Look, SMA, you still aren't allowed to do anything for a while. I have not been given the go ahead from the people above us.
okay, I am a little sad and bored these days. I understand that I am SMA, but why is my job so boring? I haven't been able to do anything. Is Substantia Nigra okay? We haven't heard from her for a while......
I can show you why, but it isn't pretty....
Okay! Please show me.
This is the graveyard where all of Substantia Nigra's dead dopamine cells are.
Oh no! I feel terrible, I did not know Substantia Nigra was losing all of her dopamine cells. No wonder I haven't been allowed to do anything.
Hi SMA, I am sorry that I haven't been able to give you much action. My dopamine cells are dying, I don't think I will ever get better.
That's okay Substantia Nigra, I understand that you will never be better. I hope you know that we are here for you, until the very end.
Substantia Nigra will unfortunately just grow a tolerance to L-DOPA, Parkinson's disease cannot be stopped or reversed, only slowed down.
I am sorry that I have not been able to allow any of you to do new things. I miss my dopamine cells. I miss when I wasn't full of Parkinson's diseas.
We can always try a bit of L-DOPA?
don't cry! There is nothing that can be done, we shall learn to live slowly and adapt to new ways.
I feel so alone, I am unable to excite anyone, unable to have Putamen inhibit Globus Pallidus from inhibiting VLO, unable to let SMA have a chance to do something. I feel awful. And I miss my dopamine cells.
Unfortunately, Substantia Nigra has passed away. She will join the rest of her teammates, and her dopamine cells in the afterlife.