What do you mean? What kind of trouble? And how can midnight tell us anything?
A time of trouble is coming to the forest. A new prophecy must be fulfilled if the clans are to survive. You have been chosen to meet with 3 other cats at the new moon,you must listen to what Midnight tells you
All will be made clear to you.
Brambleclaw! You crazy furball. What's all the noise about? You will scare off all of the prey!
Sorry, I was just dreaming.
With a little mrrow of happiness the tortishell shecat Sorrelpaw threw herself at Brambleclaw.
It's today!
My Warrior Ceremony!
What is?
Alright, alright. That's enough. If you are going to be a warrior, you are going to have to stop behaving like a kit.
A kit? Me? Never!
Brambleclaw began to hear faint sounds behind him, as if something was moving around in the undergrowth. He sniffed the air, opening his jaws to let it in, before letting out a big sigh.
Come out, Squirrelpaw.
What's going on
Cinderpelt, the injured medicine cat, is talking to her apprentice Leafpaw.