Hey, you can't be on these waters! You need a specific license to travel here!
Im taking you to court!
I have a federal license, it supersedes whatever license you have!
New York, U.S.
Thomas Gibbons
New York Court of Errors
This court finds in favor of Ogden.
Damn! I'm taking this to the Supreme Court!
U.S. Supreme Court
I believe that I am right because New York state law declares that only steamboats with the Fulton-Livingston monopoly license can operate in state waters
I believe that I am right because my license was granted by Congress, and gives me access to the country. Congress enacted this back in the late, 1700s, I shouldn't need another license.
Chief Justice John Marshall
The Supreme Court finds in favor of Thomas Gibbons, the Commerce Clause gives him right and supercedes state laws.
All right!
The United States Supreme Court had changed the way commerce was done throughout the country with their ruling of Gibbons v. Ogden