Hi' I am Rumiza Siddiqui, I have the rarest allergy "AQUAGENIC URTICARIA" it causes itchy painful hives or swelling and only 50 people have this allergy in this world... and I am one of them.
I live in Florida with my parents and 0ne annoying sister Liyaa. As I have the rarest allergy she hurts me and humiliates me and teases me in school.
I asked Liyaa as it is my birthday, are you gonna prank me once again, you do it every single time, like, once you took my water bottle but please don't ruin my special day. Please!!!
Ok whatever i dont care .... In mind next..."How can she think, that, I ll be good to her, when she stole my spot light my whole life... {evil laugh} HaHaHaHa... You are gonna remember this day your whole life.
Mom what she did to me, I broke into hives and swelling.
How could you do this to your own sister Liyaa? Now I have to send you to boarding. We didn't know you were going through this trauma. I am sorry Love...
Sorry, my dear. Ilove you
I turned the geyser on.. you witch{ Crying} Do you know that I never had any attention of you two, that's why I am jealous of her..