Racism is often talked about today and stories about this issue are common on news channels and social media platforms.
Nearly 30% of Australians have witnessed racist behaviours, including myself. Racism is a worldwide problem and 1 in 5 Australians are the victims of racist behaviours regularly.
While I have not experienced racism personally, I know of many who have. Seeing people around me who are affected is upsetting, and it makes me feel a strong obligation to bring justice for not just them but all people impacted by racial discrimination.
This factor that people have no control over causes them to be mistreated. For instance, they may be left out or not given equal opportunities or services.
Racism is a social injustice that excludes people because of their race. In the instance of the Black Lives Matter movement people with dark skin are specifically targeted.
People who contribute to racial discrimination believe that people with white skin are superior and should be included in addition to being worthy of more respect and opportunities.
Aboriginal people have been neglected and denied opportunity, and were not given the right to vote until 1962. Before that, they were not even considered human beings.
Historical factors are partially to blame for racism. In Australia, when the British invaded Aboriginal land they believed that it was theirs, despite it being the opposite. Since invasion, there have been many struggles between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.