Good Morning, Grandma I know that you were a former secretary of the Philippines and can I ask several question about our constitution?
Of course Dear, it is very interesting topic for me and I will be very glad to share it to you.
Grandma how is the constitution being defined? Can you give some examples of others countries' constitution?
That is wonderful question. Constitution is being defined as the fundamental law of a nation or state and establishes the character and basic principles of government. A system that runs the government is often codified but some constitutions like the constitution of UK are uncodified and written in numerous fundamental Acts of legislature, court cases or treaties.
Grandma what about the Purposes of the Constitutions? How does the constitution affect the status of our country?
A constitution have several purposes and it will show how important our constitution is. Primarily, it prescribes the framework of the system or the kind of government that will exist in the state. Next, it creates the different departments and specifies their respective functions and duties. Third, it is the source of the sovereign powers of a government by establishing the fixed, first or basic principles on which the government is founded and most importantly, it promotes public welfare, which involves the safety, prosperity, health, and happiness of the people.
Do constitutions have classifications? If yes, can you state those classifications?
The constitution can be classified in in three ways. First if it is written and unwritten, written constitution is one in which most of its provisions are embodied in a single formal written instrument while unwritten constitution is the product of political evolution. Next is if it is Cumulative that it has its origin mainly in custom, common law principles; decisions of courts and a conventional is one which has been formulated usually by a constitutional assembly. Lastly, Rigid and Flexible- A rigid constitution is one that can be amended only by a formal and usually difficult process, while a flexible is one that can be altered by the same body that makes ordinary laws of the state.
What about the essential qualities of the good written constitution? What are those things that needed to consider?
A good written constitution must be broad, brief, and definite. It is wide in the sense that it lays forth a governing structure for the entire state. Briefly, because its nature requires that only its broad outline be indicated, its major objects be identified, and the minor ingredients that make up those objects be determined from their nature. Definite, because any ambiguity emerging from different interpretations of the Constitutional provisions might do the country irreparable harm and chaos.
I also want to know the Parts of the Philippine Constitution. Can you tell me what are those parts and their functions?
The Philippine Constitution have three parts. First is the Constitution of Government that describes the framework of government and its power; and also defines the electorate. Next Is the Constitution of Liberty that enumerates the fundamental rights of the people guaranteed under the constitution. Last is the Constitution of sovereignty that indicates the manner of amending or revising the constitution.