Marbury, I would like to appoint you as one of my judges before Jefferson gets inaugurated
I wont let you down!
Do not give them their papers and make sure they don't get appointed!
Yes sir!
You can't do this to me! I am suing you!!
in the final hours of his presidency, John Adams appointed a bunch of judges to the supreme court known as the midnight judges, one of them being William Marbury.
The judiciary act of 1789 requires the court to tell Madison to give me my commission!
After Jefferson was inaugurated he told his secretary of state, James Madison, to end the appointments, meaning that the midnight judges, including Marbury, wouldn't be appointed
What do i do!?
After Marbury found out about this, he was angered over the fact that he was being removed from his job, so he decided that he was going to sue James Madison
Im sorry but this is unconstitutional!
Marbury quoted the Judiciary act of 1789, this said that it was required the supreme court to order that he delivered the papers
John Marshall, who was the chief of justice in the supreme court, was at a crossroads on making a decision, not knowing which was the better choice, Marbury, it Madison/Jefferson
In the end, it was decided that the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional, determining that the supreme court had the power to decide whether something was constitutional or not