rav yehoshooahhsaid that what is the explanation on when the posuk says teh words veshee namtom livonechawhy does it not say the wordsvehilashtoh?
but thenn we learn that a person should divide his life into three parts:1 mikrah2mishnah3talmud
but how do you know how long you will live?the answer..ther is a misunderstanding because what it says is that you should split your days into three asnd then...
sorry popped of to have a burger anyway...
where were we...oh yeah we were learning that you should split yoru days into tree
shut up mom! my mental health issues imaginary people
sweetie rav matrix is here to tell you that the rav in your little story to the imaginary people that you talk to because of your mental health issues holds his point
the targum says that you should split your hours that way you will have fulfilled your bare minimum and not died and not have fulfilled it
now to tel;l; your that there were people that could remember the middle letter of the torah!and then they could say what word it is from! and what perek and then you get the point.
attention key things middle letter o f teh torah is vov from dorash dorash