This story began with two love birds, Barnum being very poor and horribly treated. Charity was super rich and felt like she was locked in her life forever. Her parents despise her being with Barnum, they proved to the world they were meant to be. They begin their dreamy life together.
Climax: Tightrope
Barnum takes people that have spent their entire lives being bullied, treated horribly, harassed, and brings them into the spotlight, so they could prove to the world they're more than meets the eye.
Falling Action: From Now On
When Phillip and Anne are preforming "Rewrite the Stars" you can see them expressing their attraction to each other. Wondering if they could ever be together because of racism and his parents feelings toward her. Phillip tries to convince Anne but she rejects him.
Resolution: The Greatest Show
In this scene Charity felt like she was abandoned by her husband because he is always working and putting his show first. She never gets to see him; feeling heartbroken that he wasn't spending time with her and his daughters. Being the humble person she supported his dreams even when she felt her dreams crumbling.
Barnum is now realizing his life was crumbling because he was caught kissing another woman, the circus burnt down, and he even turned his back against his own circus members. Everything was going horribly until his crew members came through the doors and reminded him that "these eyes will not be blinded by the lights."
In the last scenes of the movie, Barnum realizes what is really important to him. They create the "Greatest Show" a family of misfits, who found happiness being together. They even added animals to the circus family. Barnum passes the top hat on to Phillip letting him become the new ringmaster. Phillip and Anne prove that only love matters. Barnum retires to focus on his family, which outweighs everything he previously thought was important.