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  • Of course not that idea is outrageous
  • should we give humans a gift on all of our behalves.
  • He is not
  • He is not.
  • The strongesst titan decides what to do and what not to do.
  • You are not the strongest, it is I of course
  • yes he is
  • yes he is
  • Have you become unaware that I can control lightning.
  • What are you doing here brother?'
  • Oh yeah?'
  • Im Here because I can hear your bickering from the depths of the under world.
  • But Poseidon is right he is the strongest in the big three.
  • Your nothing but a mere child ploaying with a toy.
  • The gods are arguing on wether they should give anything else to the humans. But Zeus thinks that the idea is absolutely crazy. Poseidon says that they should, and that Zeus is being a self centered brat. And the other god join in to truly settle who is the greatest among them.
  • They are arguing when all of a sudden Hades comes out of nowhere to join the conversation and backs Poseidon in the argument. Hades thinks that Zeus does not have as much ccombat experience as Poseidon. It is a stand off between Poseidon's team and Zeus's team
  • So this is war?'
  • I guess it is
  • Hades and Zeus escalate the argument leading to Zeus zapping Hades off of Mount Olympus. this causes Poseidon to finally snap and jabbed at Zeus with his trident. But Zeus blocked it with his lightning bolt causing a collision sending everyone flying off Mount Olympus.
  • While Zeus and Poseidon were occupied, Hades and Artimes were holding off Ares and Athena. Hades summoned hundreds of skeletal zombies to keep them busy while Artimes was charging an arrow to severely injurre them. Just then a stray lighhtning bolt from Poseidons and Zeus's battle hit Artimes in the back. Causeing her to release the arrow and topple over a near by builing. The wreckage caused citizens to flee.
  • Poseidon and Zeus were exchanging blows but it seemed Poseidon was at his limit. Hades didn'g seem to be doing too great either, Artimes was injued and Hades was alone. Then he summoned giant stone pillars that made contact that knocked both Athena and Ares unconscious.
  • Poseidon was enraged creating a huge vortex making rain and even caused it to turn night. Zeus was brought down and held in place, leaving Poseidon with the final blow. Giving humans a gift, along with a little something Poseidon called a hurricane.
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