The oldest of three siblings Wolf Himmelfarb was born June 19, 1927 in Korpzewnica, Poland. His father owned a grocery store which his mother helped out with on Thursdays. He stayed back a year so him and his brother could share books
September 1939 When Wolf was just 12 years old, German troops entered his town but fortunately after 5 hours they let everyone go home. In February 1942 the year before Wolf’s 15th birthday him and other Jews were forced into a ghetto and Wolf was sent to work into a munitions factory. At the Camp he lived in his supervisor would address people as dogs.
Wolf was deported to camps in Częstochowa, Buchenwald and Schieben before he was liberated in Theresienstadt in May 1945. 5 years later in 1950 he emigrated to America and lived the rest of his life there.
September 1939 When Wolf was just 12 years old, German troops entered his town but fortunately after 5 hours they let everyone go home. In February 1942 the year before Wolf’s 15th birthday him and other Jews were forced into a ghetto and Wolf was sent to work into a munitions factory. At the Camp he lived in his supervisor would address people as dogs.