And we are back once again right where we started, but its different this time. Because, she has brought her own reusable paper bag and truly understands the importance of sustainability in today's world.
I can't believe they've stopped using plastic bags and now expect us to pay extra money. I dont get it, why did they have to stop using plastic bags?
Heyy, c'mon. Look at the bright side. This initiative has brought us one step closer to living a sustainable life.
huh? what is a sustainable life and how exactly is that better than having to pay extra charges?
It is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of the future
Yes please.
let me try to simplify that for you.
Exactly, this new house is a metaphor for our planet Earth. We should keep it in a good condition so that the next generation can also experience this beautiful planet
Think of it this way, imagine if you move into a new house, would you like it if it was in a very bad condition?
No, not at all
Yea, that makes a lot more sense. Is there any other way I can help achieve sustainable development.
Yea of course, there's a lot you could do. Let's start right at your kitchen.
And its not only the future generation, its for the animals, the plants and the planet as a whole.
First off, these plastic bottles have to go. Use this instead. This can help reduce plastic waste.