they had a tree-house in a big elm which overhung a vacant lot in castle rock, it was sort of a social club although it had no name
Besides playing cards the club was a good place to go and smoke cigarettes and look at girly books, there were half a dozen battered tin ashtrays that said "CAMELES" on the bottom
there were five maybe six steady guys and some other wet ends who just hung around, they invited the guys to come up when there was a card game and they needed some fresh blood
the game was usually blackjack and we played for pennies, nickles limit but you got double money on blackjack and five card under, triple money on six card under although teddy was crazy enough to go for that
We were playing three penny scat, the dullest card game ever invented but it was too hot to think about anything and we had a pretty fair scratch ball-team until the middle of august and then a lot of them drifted away
Twenty nine!! Chris said
Twenty two.. teddy said
I was down to my ride and building spades, i started with thirteen gotten an eight to make twenty one and nothing happened since then, Chris knocked and i took my last draw and got nothing helpful
Teddy picked up the cards and gave them one brief look and said "i knock", teddy had natural thirty jack, queen, and kings of clubs, Chris had only sixteen and went down to his ride
"Piss on a rope" Chris said as he tossed his cards onto the table