Miss Fuamatu chews the berry breaking it into smaller pieces.
The berry travels down her Esophagus.
Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes.
Then into her stomach
Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes. Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes.
Next, the berry travels through the little intestine
Then through the large intestine.
Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes. Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes. Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes.
Then comes out and PLOP! into the toilet
Mrs Joseph! I didn't know my body can do all that! That' so cool!
Yes! It for sure is amazing how the human body works,
Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes. Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes. Well, when food is chewed your saliva helps break down what you're eating and turn it into chemicals called enzymes.