That's how it is. But due to pollution and excessive consumption of natural resources, the planet is getting too hot
That makes me so sad, I wish we could do something about it
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The poor land full of factories and industries no longer has defenses against the intense heat of the sun
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In fact, if you can, friend, all of us as consumers are part of the problem due to our ignorance and apathy, your consumption of comics is a big part of the problem, unfortunately
How cain it not be? I mean, I understand that if there are a few little trees for the paper, but it's not that much
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It seems so, but notice that the excessive felling of trees for paper is what is dasappearing the forests.They are the coolers of the planet. The saddest thing is that the comics industry is the one that has been affecting the most in recent years. ¡It is the worst!
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¡I didn´t know!, I had no idea that with such an innocent hobby I was doing so much damage to the world, It´s incredible how selfish we can be just to satisfy our banal tastes. ¡I won´t buy comics anymore!
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You can also help the planet and combat the excessive consumption of comics and paper that becomes pollution.