Mr. J, I have something to tell you. I have been being super mean and bulling Millie! That's why she's been upset in class. I didn't want to hurt her and have stopped, but Lucas hasn't. You have to do something about it!
Thank you for telling me Lia. I'll have a chat with you, Lucas and Millie after school today.
Millie, I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry. I was being so mean and rude. I have told Mr. J about it and he will talk to you, Lucas and I after school.
Thanks, I can't believe you did that. it doesn't mean that what you did was OK, but thanks for trying to help.
Finally, Lia gets the courage to talk to an adult. She had tried to solve the problem and had failed. But now she was getting adult help, even if it meant that she was going to get in trouble.
Lia rushes to find Millie and Yara and tell them what she did. She knows that it doesn't make up for how mean she was, but it makes her feel a little better.
After the talk with the teacher, Lucas and Lia stopped bullying, and with Yara and Millie, they started the anti-bully club. STOP BULLYING!