This is true that is a possibility as well. But if you take the necessary precatutions it can be more effect. Most countries that co sleep do so in a flat surface environment. An environment that is covered with mats and is hard with no objects nearby according to studies.
By the way what's up with this tree? That is your halloween costume right?
I just want the best safest quality sleep for my infant. SIDS is very serious. However it seems one is as bad as the other. If alone they can. get stuck between cribbing bars. The tree? ...oh yes halloween...right...candy and scares...and costumes...
I think you may have point about co sleeping. Hearing about the studies and having time to think, it puts things into perspective. Co sleeping puts an infant at risk 5 times greater for SIDS than non co sleeping.
That was a vague answer about the tree and your costume...glad were not in the woods any more. Just like I'm glad you're out of the woods on this whole co sleeping thing.
Yes I need to quit smoking as well. But it helps curb my appetite..
Yes I will not co sleep anymore. Thank you for helping to make a difference in my and my infants life. I ask my husband all the time but he just fly's around the subject. It's really draining me.
I'm glad you've seen the light. Just...wait smoking? And you co sleep? At least you're not going to co sleep anymore. Smoking and drinking alcohol and co sleeping is an even greater risk for SIDS.
No problem. Yeah..glad I can help gotta go set out candy now.