Doing exercise is important to make oneself happy because it produces a feel good chemical called Endorphins. Exercise also improves sense of well-being, energy levels, mood and memory.
Bouncing back from problems can be difficult when you've contracted a mental illness. Facing your fears can help improve confidence, mental strength and resilience to tough situations.
Having a routine is vital to a healthy lifestyle because it adds organization and structure which helps with stress, sleeping, tasks etc.
Having a poor diet can contribute to depression and mental stress/illness. Diets with more glycemic can trigger symptoms that resonate with depression.
Visiting a doctor or clinic is important so that they can find the best methods of treatment. Antidepressants are a good option because they naturally lift mood, ability to concentrate and emotional balance/control.
Avoid bad habits such as drinking, drugs and other extreme measures. Alcohol can also cause more problems as it only prolongs them, letting them build up over time.