Two teenagers Fred and his friend Jack plan to go to the mall. They plan on taking their other friends David and Anthony on their way over to the mall. They chat for a while outside their house before getting in the car to leave. Both boys are excited to hang out with their friends. Both boys start leaving heading to Davids house first.
Come on, Fred, let's go pick up David and Anthony.
Alright, lets go!
Alright, Jack let's head on to David's house first.
Nah I'm good, I don't like seat belts they bother me and are uncomfortable. Plus what could happen?
Fred and Jack are on their way to Anthony's house. Fred the driver instructs David his friend to buckle up in a really loud and clear voice. David decides to ignore him and proceeds to say ¨Nah I'm good, I don't like seat belts they bother me and are uncomfortable¨, ¨Plus what could happen¨? Jack also tells David to buckle up to avoid any tragedies.
Just buckle up David!
David buckle up!
Sadly a tragedy happened and injuries but David still made it out alive.
The boys get into a car accident with the blue car coming towards them. The boys crash Fred and Jack make it out safe but the only one that had injuries was David. David didn't have his seat belt on so he suffered more injuries than the other boys. David sits on ambulance care bed and starts crying and regretting his decision he had made. David says ¨Always wear your seat belts¨