Competition- Competing between two different species for limited resources.
How? Are you a millionhare?
I need this food more than you! I will pay you later if you give me that patch of grass. I will take over the niche of eating grass in this area now. Thanks!
Predation- A interaction were one organism kills and eats another organism.
No, I know you are lying.
Just come out from behind the tree! I promise I will not eat you!
Parasitism- A interaction were one organism is effect positively from feeding on its host and the other organism is hurt by the taking of nutritiom.
None! Please stop feeding on me!
So. What kind of openings do you have?
Competitive Exclusion- This is an occurrence between species when one species takes over the niche and beats out the other.
Mutualism- Interaction between organisms were both organisms are positively effected.
Hey Wasps! Lets split the niche of eating flowers. This will work since there is enough flowers for both of us!
Commensalism- Interaction between organism were one organism is positively effected while the other is not effected at all.
Hey, Thanks for letting me ride on your back to eat bugs out of the vegetation.
Symbiosis - Relationship that exists between two organisms.
Thank you for eating those burrowing insects off of me!
Niche Partitioning- This is when species split a niche to fulfill both of their needs as a species as they specialize to use a certain part of it.
No problem, we are just being ourselves!
Thanks for Dispersing our seeds!
No problem, my bull-loved friend!
Just caw me on my cell phone if you ever need help again!