will our way back to our car i it started raining and a rainbow appeared.this was because of refraction mum explained.she said the white light from the sun is a mixture of 7 colors and when it travels through the water droplets and change of medium causes light to disperse so all the colors apper in the form of a rainbow.she also kept warning me to stay away from the deep water which didnt look that deep due to refraction
a rainbow wow!!!
look a rainbow refracted because white light from the sun changed its medium to water droplets from the rain which disperse the light to show a rainbow.this is how a rainbow is formed.
also still stay away from the water you remember that the water is deeper than you think because of refraction.
i was gazing at the night sky when i remembered that once in a article i read that Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric refraction. Light from the stars on entering the Earth's surface undergoes refraction continuously before reaching the Earth.
stars twinkle due to atmosphereic refraction.wow its actually true without reflection and refraction live is colorless and bland!!!
surprisingly the next day in school (monday 19 april 2023)we had started the chapter of light in which we learned a few basic laws and properties of light and our main topic of the day was dipersion of light in which we conducted an real life example of an experiment using a prism.the prisim is made so when white light passes through the prism it disperses into a specturm of light and we also learned how a rainbow is formed
students look how a specturm appears on the white screen when i shine white on it and also i have displayed how a rainbow forms on the board.if you have any questions do ask me.