Yes, I'm fine just tired. I think I forgot to close the barn door.
Are you okay Matt?
Hi Ma
I miss you
Mattie finds herself watching her family who is doing their own thing. Abby is by the fire and Pa is mending Plesant's bridle. Her heart was pounding and she felt like the walls were closing in on her. Abby asked if she was alright and she replied that she was fine. She then lied that she forgot to lock the barn door and run to her mother's grave.
Reads from Little Woman
Once Mattie arrives at her mother's grave, she felt light-headed and walked around the grave t calm down and find herself. She then started to remember this one book Miss Wilcox gave her. It was called A Distant Music and it was hated by critics and banned from the Catholic Church. The poems made Mattie's head hurt and made her question the book itself.
I will Ma
Take care of my babies Mattie. Please don't leave
Mattie misses her mother so much and she remembers what it was like when she was around and not trying to remember how she looked like when she was ill from cancer. Mattie remembers all the stories she read and also how their parents met and fell in love. Mattie says that Pa sounds different in the stories than how he is now.
Mattie remembers when her mother read them stories at night like Little Women, The Last of the Mohicans, or magazines. She remembered her cooking and how she would sing at the same time. Mattie would write letters for her mother and she would say that her writing was as nice as the poems on the fancy postcards in Old Forge gift shops.
Mattie tried really hard to no remember the bad things of when she was sick but it happened and She saw her mother groaning in pain and filled with rage throwing things in the room. She cried as she told the doctor and the reverend not to let her die. Mattie opened her eyes from this as she couldn't bare it any longer.
As Mattie was heading back home so her father wouldn't worry, she saw a little bird and it was dead. She had wondered if the bird saw the beautiful sky just like her mother before its wings were broken. Mattie was sad as she walked back home.