4.Really! Oh my god the climate is changing its self everyday.
3.Yes,its kind of hot these days. My mom even got a sunburn because of the heat.
2.It was sports day in her school and she is an athletic teacher, so she stayed in the sun for more than an hour, and that is how she got the burn.
3.Poor lady!
1.How did your mother get a sun burn?
2. Yes,you know climate has so many advantages and disadvantages
Poor lady!
3.It helps in the growth of the plants, and on the other hand, air contains more pollution and spreads diseases, and because of this, people die most of the days.
1.Climate is the weather period that stays long period of time
1.How did your mother get a sun burn?
U have to rush then, Angelina!
1.Oh no, my mum is getting worser it seems.She has gone to hospital.
Oh no is she going to be fine?!
Oh no!!
Come on let's go
1. I am sorry Alia, but I have to leave right away. Or else I don't know what will happen to mum!
Poor lady!
2.Its OK u go, and don't worry your mother will be okay!