Me and my cousin goes to a nearby bar to meet up with our uncle.
Hey kids wanna try smoking this?
I don't think we really should be trying that
Ignore or try? leave or stay?
Decide your options before taking any action
Dave what do you wanna do? He said it feels really good after we use it
We should just call uncle and get out of this bar!
Identify the good and bad effects
I mean we would look really cool if we try it. We can maybe even pick up some chicks.
It doesn't matter if we are cool or not. These drugs have a negative effect on our bodies we could get addicted to it!!
Our parents would literally kill us if were going to try those drug. I mean we could even get arrested and go to jail!!
Yeah your right Dave lets just find uncle and get outta here
Made by: Erone Owen A. Cabilla 9-Faith
Yeah lets get outta here this place is not good
Ahhh uncle lets just get outta here Someone offered us drugs huhuhu!!!
You know I'm really proud of you kids you two are very smart for not accepting the offer. You must learn that drugs are very bad and doing it would only make matters worse. No matter how hard life gets NVER do drugs because they only make your lives worse