Long ago in a small village in Japan lived a wise old woman and her son who were ruled by a young, cruel lord.
The young, cruel lord made a law over the village that anyone over the age of seventy one must be banished to die in the mountains.
Falling Action
So when the wise old woman comes of age to be banished her farmer son chooses to hide her in his home instead of sending her to die in the mountains.
Inciting Incident
Another evil lord wants to rule the village and the villages only hope is to save the impossible riddles and orders he gives them. But even the wise wisemen cant solve them.
Thefarmer son ask thewise old woman if she can solve these riddles, and she effortlessly solves every one. The other evil lord repeals his act to take down the village after the wisdom that they have shown. The farmer then admits to his ruler that his mother was the true one solving the riddles.
The young, cruel lord then ask fro forgiveness from all the people and never again makes anyone over the age of seventy one go to die in the mountains again and repects and honors the elderly.