The Daily NewsHow To Spot a WitchBy Johann von Schonenburg1. Women showing wierd behaviour 2. Unmarried women3. Old women with petsReport all suspected witches to the court
Here's the daily newspaper
How witches are tested1. The witch's mark-In this test we examine the witch's body for any markings made by the devil on the witch.2. The floating/swimming test-In this test we put the witch in water with their hands tied to their legs. If they float, they are a witch otherwise they are not.
Here we are at the execution
She shall be hanged or drowned
I hate it when people are hanged, they are tied to a rope and the floor under them opens then either their neck snaps or they choke on
Oh I hate it when people are drowned, they are first tied up and then thrown into water with heavy rocks tied to them
Today we will execute this witch!
Oh No! the witch did magic and sent Heinrich straight to the late 1800s!
What! I was at the witch execution...
Witch executions!!! Those are now banned in Germany
Yep, witch hunts ended because of 3 big reasons:Firstly, people got educated and developed a new way of thinking.Secondly, rich intellectuals intervened to save themselves and innocents.Lastly, the law system changed and made it harder to execute a witch at court as it started to rely on solid evidence