Hey Dad, I am really fed up of this Covid-19. Can't go for play outside or school .Its really very boring at home
Is there any positive Impact of COVID-19 ?I can see only lots of problem due to this !!
I know Atharva, In fact whole world is affected by this Pandemic.But don't worry things will be normal again.You Should also see the positiveimpact of COVID-19
okay, so please let's go outside and discuss the other factors.
Ya, due to Lock down less vehicles on road and lots of factories are also closed so less air pollution
Yes, there are many. You know there is lot of reduction in air pollution and we are getting clean Air
In India air quality Index is improved for all highly polluted cities including our capital Delhi
Okay let's go
Okay, these all are examples for environment, what about direct impact on us ?
yes, I know.factories are closed so they have stopped dumping toxic waste in water and soil .
you know, even water and soil pollution alsoreduced.
oh yes, people are getting extra time so they are using this time to spend it with family and practice their talents
even we have played lots of indoor games together like Monopoly, chess checkers during this time
Okay, Tell me last time when you have spend such a quality time with your family and specially with your little brother.
And our teachers gives all the Task in Word, Note, Excel or PPT - So I learned lots of new things about theseprograms
yeah Daddy, remember on that day, I have guided you how to set up meeting in Microsoft teams.
And due to this e-learning your IT Computer skills are getting better and better
So we can always see something positive even during such challenging pandemic condition.Thank you Daddy !!!
Yes Daddy , we have also started doing Yoga and daily exerciseduring this time only
People are getting more consciousabout their health and hygiene practice and adapting healthy life style.