You know what there should be a law having people take a test if they want to own a gun.
Yea, there should.
This bill is assigned the number, H.R 235
The Comittee has reviewed this bill and we approve.
The ProposalThis when the bill is writen
I believe that we have come to a compromise
The IntroductionThis is when the bill is assigned a number and is read aloud on the House flor
Is the House in favor of the same bill?
Is Senate in favor of this version of the bill?
The Committee ReportThis when the Committee reviews the bill and if the bill isapporved, the bill will be sent to all the members of the House.
I will sign this bill.
The CompromiseThis is when House and Senate form a compromise committee to work out a compromise on the bill
Another VoteThis is when Senate and House vote the compromise bill
To The PresidentAfter everything else, the bill lands on the president's desk where three things could happen. The president signs the bill and the it becomes law. The second thing, the ignores the bill and if Congress is in session, the bill automatically becomes law but if not, then it does not become law. The last thing is if the president vetoes the bill and in which the Congress override it, if 2/3s of Congress is in favor of the bil