Russia is a north Asian country at the foot of Eastern Europe. Located north of China and Central Asia, Russia borders the Arctic Ocean and extends from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia to the North Pacific Ocean. In 862 CE Vikings established the Rus State with Immigrants from Scandinavia. A new form of government called Communism was introduced after the removal of the Romanov Dynasty under Vladimir Lenin, and Russia soon became known as the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
Good Morning students, today we are talking about Russia, USSR and the Cold War
The USSR is an acronym for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This massive federalist socialist state located in what is now present-day Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbalian, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This state existed from 1922 to 1991 and was considered the largest country in the world, occupying roughly one-sixth of the Earth's surface. Founded by Vladimir Lenin when the Russian Provisional Government was overthrown, the Soviet Union, promoted the social ownership of the production, distribution and exchange of the country's resources, USSR became known as the first socialist country with a planned transition into a communist society. After World War it, the USSR began to gain power and expand further, eventually encompassing the countries in Eastern Europe.
Now, moving ahead with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Before Central Asia developed into distinct countries, the Russian Empire began to gain influence and eventual dominance over the area in the 18th century. By 1847, Russia invaded the present-day Kazakh steppe area and had a strong military presence that spread toward the border of present-day Kyrgyzstan. This Russian deminance eventually spread throughout the entire Central Asian region as a way to halt British Influence in the area. During a series of conflicts known as the Great Game, Russia and Great Britain competed for dominance in the area which resulted in Britain's East India Company gaining control over the Indian subcontinent and hessian controlling Central Asla
Let us now talk about the main star of today, The Cold War