I might be powerful but I cant be king. I'm not capable for it
I know this voice ,You have something very dangerous in mind , Lets go somewhere else and talk about it.
Brutus , I wanted to discuss something from a long time , but lets go somewhere else and talk
What!!!! are you out of your senses?
So listen carefully ,"We need to kill julias caesar".its better for us all , before you say anything let me tell why.
But why, Julias never wanted bad for us gaius, and he is so much powerful and clever we cant kill him and , because of him romes debt was decreased, he sponsored two city states and he also granted citizenship to foreigners .
Yes , you are right we cant let that happen we need to finish him. whats the plan then?
The plan is you and me lead some conspirators with knife and at right time stab him as much we can. We will give him painfull death!!!
See the thing is julias wants your place, he wants to be the king so he can rule the entire rome , Didnt you see? he said that he is dictator for life , Now he is saying this, in future he will say he is king for life we cant let that happen we need to stop it.
Farewell ,Julias is dead . We are safe!!!!!
Sorry Julias, You were a big threat to me and the other people of rome. I had no other choice.
Sorry Old Friend , I didn't have a much of a choice. May your soul rest in piece