This image shows Napoleon and his troops riding off to conquer Russia in 1812. The weather conditions that become a problem in the future are revealed. Napoleon wanted to invade Russia to force Russia back into the Continental blockade of the U.K.
This cartoon portrays Napoleon on his horse after the invasion of Russia occurred. Many of his troops died or were injured by the Russians. The troops didn't make it because of disease and weather. We can see this portrayed by the snow, rain, and the troops holding their stomach. Napoleon's confidence and ambition inspired his troops. Although he kept losing this battle, Napoleon went out for more.
This picture shows Napoleon and three of his troops on their knees, bowing to the troops of Russia. We can see by the crowns on their heads and their bigger size that they are the ones that succeeded in this invasion. Therefore, Napoleon and his people failed to invade Russia. He started with about 600,000 troops and ended with less than 100,000. Although Napoleon lost, he still had the confidence to keep going. This is why Napoleon Bonaparte was a good leader. He transformed the way the French army operated and turned France into the greatest military power in Europe.