Dovid was old and therefore cold but he appeared to be older than he was because of his aging in war. He was either cold because he disgraced clothing when he ripped Shauls coat and now clothes are disgracing him and won't warm him up. Or because when he saw the malach hamavet in Yerushalayim with a sword his blood ran cold with fear.
Dovids servants decided to get a pretty single girl to lay next to dovid and keep him warm. They brought Avishag to Dovid and she served as his warmer but they did not have an intimate relationship. In order to do full t'shuvah you need to prove you won't do the same sin again so when Avishag lays near Dovid and he doesn't sin like with Batsheva his teshuva is complete for that sin.
Dovids son Adoniyaho decides he wants to be king. He rides in a chariet and has fifty runners. Dovid didnt want to make Adioniyahoo king but Adoniyahoo thought he wouyld be king because Dovid spoiled him, he was very good looking, and he was Dovids oldest son alive.
אני אמלוך
king- Dovidgeneral- Binayahoo and more strong soldierskohen gadol- Tzadoknavi- Natan
Team Dovid
Team Adoniyahoo
king- Adoniyahoogeneral- yoav (He thought Dovid would tell the next king to kill him so he wanted to be freinds with the next king to make sure that did not happen.)kohen gadol- Evyatarnavi- They couldnt find a navi because navim didnt wnat to betrray Hashem.
Adoniyahoo made a karbanot party and invited all of his brothers except Shlomo and all of Yehuda. He specificly did not invite, natan, binayahoo and the strong peple( maybe they would be physicaly dangerouse to the people there) and Shlomo(maybe the people wuld relize Shlomo was supposed to be king).
Natan comes to Batsheva and they make a plan of what to tell Dovid to make sure Shlomo becomes king. So Batsheva went to Dovid and she bowed her head. She said what natan told her to say and added that he didnt know what was happening and that Dovid swore by Hashem. Natan came in while Batsheva was talking to make it seem very urgent. Dovid responds and sleflessly says that he swears by Hashem that he will make Shlomo king today. Batsheva bows down and tells Dovid he should live forever.
Did you say Adoniyahoo should be king? He is giving karbanot in front of the princess and they are saying long live king Adoniyahoo. Me, Tzadok, Binayahoo, and shlomo werent invited.
אעשה היום הזה
You swore by Hashem that Shlomo will beking after you and now Adoniyaho is ruling and you dont know. He is sacrificing karbanot at a party and he invited Evyatar and all the princess but Shlomo. All of Benei YIsroel is waiting for you to say who should be king. When you die me and shlomo will seem like sinners.
ועתה אדני המלך לא ידעתי
Bring me Tzadok Nassan and Binayahoo
take some servents and ride Shlomo to the Gichon on my mule to anoint him and then the shofar will be blown. Then he will sit on my chair and rule over benei yosroel.
so it should be. Hashem should be with Shlome just like He was with you ויגדל את כסאו מכסא אדוני המלך דוד