After fortunado insulted me I should ventured upon insult,I bowed revenge you who so well know the nature of my soul will no suppose however that I gave utterance to a threat.
My dear fortunado you are luckily met how remarkable you are looking today!! but I have received a pipe of what passes for amontillado and I have my doubts
But observe the white web work which gleams from this cavern walls.
How?? "Amontillado"? A pipe? Impossible ! and in the middle of the carnival.
Let us go.
Im so happy that ill be able to see the amontillado!!
Nitre? ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh!
"Nitre", How long have you had that cough?
c'mon lets go back; your health is precious. you are rich, respected admired beloved; you were happy as once I was you were a men to be missed for me we will go back you will be ill and I cannot be responsible. besides there is Luchesi.
Enough the cough is mere nothing it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough. ugh! ugh!