Once upon a time was born John Henry and when when he was born the sky went dark and he started growing and grabbed the gifted hammer out of the papas hand and started smashing stuff all around. the house like mamas vases and papas nails he crash and bashed and mashed all the things in the house soon john henry got tiered and started for a nap in mamas arms.
the rock
Then he grow in to a big boy and started stocking the garage with hammers and got to work first he made a new pool an addition to the house a porch in the back made a new bench in the garage and did it all with the hammer in his hand and a little bit of strength.
the steam drill
Now John Henry was a young man and he was leaving his depressed parents to accomplish his dream of building rail roads.
when he dies
Then John Henry meet some guys trying to blow up a giant rock in there path and tried to blow it up but did not succeed so john henry picked up his hammers and started to work his way into the rock ,and finally made the most beautiful road any one has ever seen and then got hired to help.
Then john henry went to the steam drill contest and won but in the end his friendly big heart bursted and and he got the steam drill for fee but in the end over worked and died.
John Henry was then brought to the nicest grave in America and died with a hammer in his hand.