Aaron was a promissing high school star and decided to attend the Univeristy of Florida in Gainesville. This is where his troubles really began. He was questioned by police about a 2007 shooting. Hernandez also was accused of punching a bouncer at a nightclub; there were no charges but te punch ruptured the vitims eardrum.
Jun 17, 2013
The New England Patriots selected Hernandez in the 4th Round (113th overall) of the 2010 NFL Draft. What Aaron had worked so hard for had finally happened.
Jun 26, 2013
Hernandez had 3 amaing seasons with the Patriots from 2010-2012. He tallied almost 2000 yards and 18 TD’s in just those 3 seasons. In August of 2012 right before his third year, Hernandez signed a 5 yr-$35 million deal tht would've kept him in New England threw 2018.
Prision Time
This is the night Aaron Hernandez officially became a murderer. June 13th is the date of Odin Lloyd's death. Studies of Hernandez's brain afterdeath revealed severe CTE which could be partially to blame for this crime.
This is the day Aaron was arrested for the Murder of Odin Llyod and was immediately released by the Patriots. All just 10 months after signing a massive extension.
Hernandez was found guilty of first degree murder in 2015. He was sentenced to life without parole. A couple short years later Hernadez unfortuantely hung himself and passed on April 19th, 2017.