I've gone through this book a dozen times now, searching for that place, the moment he slips up and gives himself away.
Second Important Character- Vinny
"The red dots are for older incidents-animal mutilations and fires-the oldest going back about ten years. Green is for newer ones, anything in the past five years."
Third Important Character- Wayne
"Come on," Wayne mutters, trying to work the lock with his sweaty hands. A long minute stretches to the breaking point before I hear the click we're waiting for. Wayne looks over at me. "Done," he says, and jams the tools in his pocket, wiping down the lock. "Now I'm gone, man."
Duncan is the main character. He is a senior in high school and he works at a subway station lost and found. Duncan's most important characteristic is his determination. A quote that shows this trait is above. The quote shows that he has dedicated a lot of time to reading Roach's journal and trying to understand it, and because of this it shows that he is very determined to find Roach and stop him.
Vinny is one of Duncan's best friends and, in my opinion, the second most important character in the book. Vinny is also a senior in high school, but he is a little different. He has a messed up arm and a bad hand that only has 3 fingers. This is due to a birth defect that Vinny had, and because of this, he is a very sympathetic person that is good at helping and being nice to his friends. His most important characteristic is his cleverness. A quote that shows this trait is above. The quote is about a map that Vinny made showing where all of Roach's crimes were located so that they could narrow down where he lives. I think this shows that he is a very clever person because I would have never thought to do that.
Wayne is another one of Duncan's best friends and they have known each other for a very long time. Wayne is a senior in high school as well, and his most distinguishing trait is that he is talented. But not necessarily in a good way. A quote that shows this trait is above. Wayne is very talented at things like lock picking, stealing money, and other petty crimes. Even though these are not good skills to have, it helps Duncan in his search for Roach, so they definitely came in handy.