Siddhartha was born with no pain was supposedly able to walk and talk straight away. A holy man visted the palace and prophesied that he would become either a homeess holy man or a great leader, depending on how much suffering he witnessed.
The middle way
Siddhartha wanted to leave the palace so his father planned a route so he'd avoid seeing any suffering. This didn't work and Siddhartha saw the four sights: old age, sickness, death and a holy homeless man.
Siddhartha felt guilty and was inspired by the homeless man. He cut his hair and left the palace as his renunciation to practice meditation with 2 masters in order to find answers. He practiced asceticism where he fasted, sat in burning sun and held his breathe. He became very weak from this.
Teaching and Death
Siddhartha then decided to practice the middle way which was a life inbetween the two extremes and he believed this was the only way to live a balanced life.
Siddhartha was tempted by Mara, the demon which represents sensual desire and death and corupts the mind. This never worked though and Mara failed. Siddhartha experienced unimaginal joy and an awakening known as the enlightenment.
Siddhartha taught the 4 Nobles Truths;-Life is suffering-Suffering is caused by craving-Craving can be controlled-Eightfold path eliminates itHe died of old age when he was 80.